Sunday, December 31, 2006


You know, today was a very sad day to one man, however, it was a very victorious, justified day for millions-THAT's WITH An "M"-of other men and women. Death is never beautiful, or good, but sometimes, death is the only way to show others that they can't do the most un-human acts capable of man. I believe that millions of people were flim-flamed today. Hanging a man that has commited the crimes proven before nuetral courts of law such as publically proven against Saddam is an injustice-he should have been slowly toasted by ants like the Indians used to do to their enemies out west, allowing them time to enter every oriface available, slowly exploring the tunnels of ignorance so profoundly available in the skull of such an ass-hole. I don't know why he was provided mercy, but I hope nobody will ever say another word about him-may he rest in hell-forever and ever-being tortured as a well deserved reward for his injustice to mankind. Happy New Years you MF-enjoy it like no other! To all of the countless families of Iraq which had to endure the suffering of his totalitarian rule-have the most wonderful New Year in 2007 ever possible and total luck in your future.

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