Monday, January 08, 2007


I personally never thought I would see the year 2000 when I was in my early 20's because of all the possibilities violent neighborhoods, disieses, and travel provided during that epoche of life. But here we are in 2007 and I've beaten the odds! I'm a father with children-still living and sometimes even productive. I don't know how many more New years I will witness, but that's the mystery of life isn't it?
When you grow up and watch the little ones around you also do the same, you wonder if you did enough, informed enough, taught the right things, said the words required for someone to benefit from your mistakes. I don't think we can ever get it all right, sometimes it seems like we can't get anything right, however, when it all seems hopelessly feeble, I watch my children laugh while doing silly things and it makes the reward for living into the new millineum worth all it took to get by the wrecks, the AIDS, and the nine mil. caps in the ass. I hope I live long enough to write books about everything possible in the line of hope for the ones who don't have that simple reward in life. Happy New Years everyone. Comments are welcomed.

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