Sunday, August 27, 2006


Today I had the pleasure of driving my son over to a small village where celebrations were taking place to give thanks for this year's bumper crop of grapes. The method they use is simple: They fill a huge fountain in the middle of their downtown area with wine and everyone fills their cup. The fountain spews the crimson liquid out of an angel's mouth straight into the air about a yard above it's face, then drains into the huge 2nd story bowl where bunches of concord colored grapes hang off the edge allowing the current bounty to drain into the lower-much larger-bottom level of the fountain. There is no cost. There are no fights. No body gets drunk-unless some stupid American tourist happens to stumble into the city accidentally. There are 40 to 50 booths available along a shaded promenade providing various items one might find at a flea market. The fiesta celebrates, however, it also promotes the local wine industry and provides a great excuse for everyone to get out in the street and relax in a world so full of violence that everyone is sick of hearing about it. What a pleasant Sunday, I think I even heard the church bells ringing as well while I sipped on a taste of the first red wine of 2006. I hope you will also find a way to relax your mind wherever you are, and turn off the tube long enough to smell the wine.

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