Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I just read my last post and it has been since last fall since I updated this baby...Truly I have been Lazy...I am a proclaimed writer for a blog dedicated to writing and I'll be damned if I am more guilty than the struggling agents coping with electronic book industries and book stores. Enough of that stuff...I'm back in BOLD. So much has happened since mushroom season so I'm gonna break it down into short understandable stories:

Once upon a time there was this ancient city quietly tucked far away in the mountainous regions of Spain, where the only problems encountered by it's people were the attacks received by enemies, and weather. The weather was biting cold in winter, usually covered in layers of ice and snow, and the heat in summer-although only 3 months out of the year-was unbearably hot. The weather could not be dealt with by a simple command by the king, but protection from enemies were another story. The King of the region of Spain known as Aragon did just that and ordered a wall to be built completely around the city to protect it from intruders and so it was done. This wall consisted of making a complete circle around the city which covered over 4 kilometers and over 4 meters thick in some places. The process in which it was constructed was unique to the environment-which I will tell you about in the next post..until then...medieval festival coming up in that old city @ the end of July...

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