Thursday, October 05, 2006


Remember when you were little and your parents told you not to lie? Maybe they even told you it was a sin, and even if it was a "Little WHITE lie", it was still wrong. If the act of telling a lie is wrong, then what level is it considered to be on from a scale of 1 to 10 for example? Does it depend on the results of the lie, or are all lies considered the same? If one lie is worse than another, then to what levels of punishment are they supposed to have administered? Lets try and define this from a simple lie to an all out 180 degree BOLD-FACED whopper. First lets try and define an example of a little white lie: The little child who takes something and later says they didn't do it, but after the guilt-that built in mechanism which lights up inside our minds when we do something obviously wrong-demands reprieve, the little child confesses. Now the punishment to fit the crime would probably be anything from no TV for a while to time-out in the room.
Moving right along to the whopper. Let us say that someone in our government tells us anything about anything-well we know that immediately it is a WHOPPING BIG LOAD OF BULLSHIT! Now, how do we, (as citizens of the country), punish the individual with appropriate levels to fit the crime? They aren't told that what they've said is a lie, they are simply allowed to go on as if nothing has happened, like turning the head from the child and playing make believe as if they never took anything from anyone. Well you'd better wake up AMERICANS! Those liars are taking a hell of lot more from you than your pride, your money, and your freedom-They are taking away your children when they grow up to go fight their wars over nothing more than this:


When are they going to have to be accountable for those lies?
What is the punishment for telling lies?
Who will ever help us correct this problem?
How will we keep rape, murder, and other lie originating desasters from our government in the future?
When will the people who make the laws ever become responsible for their actions of telling lies and breaking the laws they actually make for the masses?
There are much more than little WHitehouse lies going on in capital hill folks and it has to stop or we are all going to play the part of sewage and get flushed down the toilet in the near future.

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