Saturday, September 23, 2006

Soooooo Much to Write-Soooo Little Time....

I discuss writing techniques, methodology, thought patterns, creativity, and anything leading towards production of morphing an idea into a final printed novel with fellow author/writers, and their experiences are very similar in nature. Although the strange individual emerges infrequently-totally misunderstood by anyone listening-the majority not only write, they actually imagine themselves as the characters they write about, trying to emulate feelings, emotions, and capabilities to be more understanding about the subject at hand. Writers with established characters which repeat themselves in each new novel tend to almost possess the writer-they wake in the night with an idea rushing to write it down before sleeping again, or dream about the individual character being themselves, even creating voices to coincide with their image of the being they have formulated. I personally don't have repetitious characters yet because each novel I have written has absolutely nothing to do with any of the previous ones. I know there are many authors which will argue this, because each one wants to be original in nature and be unique in their field. I believe that the great authors of this world we currently strive in will be determined long after they are gone simply due to the plethora of reading material available to mankind. We simply don't have time to read all the great novels out there in our lifetime. How will anyone know my writing is fantastic if they never read it? Eventually, someone will pick up one of my paperbacks and shuffle through it, but until that happens, it is simply a dead tree on the shelf collecting dust. I will write all my life, or until I go blind, or get writerscramp, but after I die, there will be many novels to read that someone in the future will benefit from. My intentions are to provide realistic possible issues to the surface for discussion, events unknown to many, daily tasks to others. I have heard several situations where authors get stuck and can't come up with subjects to write about-writersblock-but I don't know how that is possible with the unlimited possibilities flying around us every day. My problem is having too many subjects to write about and not enough years to complete them... Any authors running short on ideas feel free to ask and I will fill you with enough situations to last you a lifetime. Happy reading and good luck writing.

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