Monday, July 17, 2006


Running next to bulls, running in and out of little caves packed with barrels of beer and wine, eating way too much and sweating like a worker in an enclosed building during the summer in the south, I'm quickly becoming burned out on fiestas. A person can only enjoy so much before the common everyday activities of waking, dressing, and turning oneself wide-open until crashing at night become droll. I have a break this week from fiestas, however, my kids will still have to be taken to the pool, their summer activities school, then tennis lessons will complete their vacation. Next week DAROCA, SPAIN-the little town where we currently reside-will begin it's medieval festival where we all dress up in clothing used during the period known as the dark age, or the dark ageS, or the middle age/s, or medieval, mediaeval, mideaevil, and the time frame was between the "ANCIENT TIMES" and "MODERN TIMES" .
Many theories have been presented by historians attempting to determine the exact periods these time-frames fell into and after many hypothesis of varying natures, it seems to have originated somewhere around the 5th century and ended around the 15th century when the renaissance period began-depending which historian provides the information-influenced by various historical events occurring during different time frames providing factors for basing dates associated with said origins and endings.
Basically nobody knows exactly when the period began or ended, historians simply base their information on what they apply as the most important events at the time which would influence a world change. Kind of like today-no body can agree on anything in Europe because everyone is after the interests of their own personal country-imagine that! Oh well, I guess that whatever time in history the midiaeval ages began and ended, we're going to try and dress up like people from those times "best guessed", and eat, drink, shop in the streets and be merry-for two whole weeks. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it, might as well be me.........

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