Sunday, December 31, 2006


You know, today was a very sad day to one man, however, it was a very victorious, justified day for millions-THAT's WITH An "M"-of other men and women. Death is never beautiful, or good, but sometimes, death is the only way to show others that they can't do the most un-human acts capable of man. I believe that millions of people were flim-flamed today. Hanging a man that has commited the crimes proven before nuetral courts of law such as publically proven against Saddam is an injustice-he should have been slowly toasted by ants like the Indians used to do to their enemies out west, allowing them time to enter every oriface available, slowly exploring the tunnels of ignorance so profoundly available in the skull of such an ass-hole. I don't know why he was provided mercy, but I hope nobody will ever say another word about him-may he rest in hell-forever and ever-being tortured as a well deserved reward for his injustice to mankind. Happy New Years you MF-enjoy it like no other! To all of the countless families of Iraq which had to endure the suffering of his totalitarian rule-have the most wonderful New Year in 2007 ever possible and total luck in your future.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


I've been busy lately shopping for Christmas and trying to get some odds and ends accomplished before the new year begins and it has been the catalyst of my tardiness in updating this blog. I am sure there are many beliefs all over the world about Christmas, Santa Claus, etc., however, this being my personal blog site, I write about how I perceive beliefs and the season to be. I was raised believing that there is a God and we celebrate the birth of his son on 25 Dec. I was never taught anything about Honnecca, Koran, or any of those other religions that claim to have supreme power over protestant beliefs. Having said that, I personally believe today's' paranoid concerns for being politically correct in everything we do is a huge crock-o-shit! If I want to spread a little cheer and shout,"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" to the top of my lungs, then frankly I don't care what people of other religions think. I don't tell the Jews when to light their candelabra, and I don't set my watch or tell Muslims when to turn and prey to Mecca either, so frankly I don't think they have any right whatsoever to say jack-shit about how I feel about Christmas or any other holiday I choose to celebrate. Therefore,


If you don't believe in new years, then please let me know how you set your watch.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Did the Pope say what I thought he did? Was it clear enough for all to understand? His speech in Regensburg, Germany was around 30 minutes long, but it basically said the Islam religion was spreading by violence of the sword instead of true conversion which required reason. As usual, the VERY SENSITIVE Islam world got all excited because - THE TRUTH HURTS WHEN SPELLED OUT SO CLEARLY. He further said that Christian religions deserve the same rights to practice their faith in Muslim-majority countries as Muslims practice freely in western countries.
I personally believe the Pope's speech was as Bart Simpson so clearly stated in a classic cartoon during a family analysis after Doctor Monroe determined Homer was the family problem, "Right on Doc, another successful analysis."
The Muslim religion has provided people with an excuse to commit atrocities for too many years, taking advantage of people ignorant in their interpretation of the Koran or messages provided by muslim priests-those guys in charge of teaching Gods will. If someone told you-a Baptist, Methodist, Catholic preacher/priest-to go and strap yourself to a megaton of explosives in the name of God, would there be a cause you would do that for? Would you even do that to save your own family? Think about the question...Many times we say we would do so-and-so if this-or-that happened in our lives, but when shit actually hit the fan, which option would you choose?
I feel very strong about the self-sacrifice bomber. I believe bombings of any kind-either from a plane, strapped to a person, or any other method of delivery-are cowardly and only show how little courage a man actually has to stand his ground. Come up to me and punch me in the face-show me you have guts, balls, and sufficient confidence in yourself that you can kick my ass face-to-face. Blowing up the little girl eating an ice-cream cone in the arms of her mother, permanently injuring another that lives to never walk again in the name of Islam is not only the highest level of lame possibly known to man, it is the icon of Satan, and quite frankly, that can't very well be considered an act generated by the name of God can it???