Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Today-according to the associated press out of Washington-our illustrious President signed into law yet another debatable issue to further confuse the American people. As if we weren't scared enough already with the invasion of terrorism, mail bombs, gas agents, etc., etc., we now have the right to lose our rights. That's right, you heard me right. The police state, excuse me, the official law enforcement agents of our proud country may now come to your house-simply by the testimony of another person mind you, (kind of like when we were hanging WITCHES in Salem), and take you under custody and you DO NOT have the RIGHT to protest that action. I could be missing something here, and I don't want to start any rumors either, but if what I read is true, then we are but one step away from throwing our INALIABLE RIGHTS right down the toilet like so much paper.
There are laws drawn up and passed, signed by the president, you know the BJ, but at the end of the day, someone has to enforce those laws or they don't mean anything at all. Our constitutional rights are laws which were drawn up, signed by the president, etc. Many years ago, and although some of them may be debatable, they are still in place and are SUPPOSED to be UPHELD, however, like I said before, what good are they if not enforced??? MAMA MIA, talk about your spicy meatball.....

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Remember when you were little and your parents told you not to lie? Maybe they even told you it was a sin, and even if it was a "Little WHITE lie", it was still wrong. If the act of telling a lie is wrong, then what level is it considered to be on from a scale of 1 to 10 for example? Does it depend on the results of the lie, or are all lies considered the same? If one lie is worse than another, then to what levels of punishment are they supposed to have administered? Lets try and define this from a simple lie to an all out 180 degree BOLD-FACED whopper. First lets try and define an example of a little white lie: The little child who takes something and later says they didn't do it, but after the guilt-that built in mechanism which lights up inside our minds when we do something obviously wrong-demands reprieve, the little child confesses. Now the punishment to fit the crime would probably be anything from no TV for a while to time-out in the room.
Moving right along to the whopper. Let us say that someone in our government tells us anything about anything-well we know that immediately it is a WHOPPING BIG LOAD OF BULLSHIT! Now, how do we, (as citizens of the country), punish the individual with appropriate levels to fit the crime? They aren't told that what they've said is a lie, they are simply allowed to go on as if nothing has happened, like turning the head from the child and playing make believe as if they never took anything from anyone. Well you'd better wake up AMERICANS! Those liars are taking a hell of lot more from you than your pride, your money, and your freedom-They are taking away your children when they grow up to go fight their wars over nothing more than this:


When are they going to have to be accountable for those lies?
What is the punishment for telling lies?
Who will ever help us correct this problem?
How will we keep rape, murder, and other lie originating desasters from our government in the future?
When will the people who make the laws ever become responsible for their actions of telling lies and breaking the laws they actually make for the masses?
There are much more than little WHitehouse lies going on in capital hill folks and it has to stop or we are all going to play the part of sewage and get flushed down the toilet in the near future.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Don't know how the schedule is where you are located, but around here the kids started back to school this month and are now going full-blast, (unlike the sound being made around American schools), and learning faster than ever before. There are no metal detectors or police walking the hallways, no special office dedicated to investigations or other sordid crimes. The teachers are mostly young and out of college starting careers and giving it all they've got. The children actually have to study their subjects over here and there are absolutely no multiple choice tests. When a question is asked, it has an answer, and although many times the answer is subjective, that's why the teachers go to college! HELLO!!! They are supposed to be able to determine if little Johnnie's answer sucks or not. You send your children to school to learn and that's what they do. There are no lockers in the hallway. There are no soda machines, candy machines, or any other machines clogging the hallways either. The children take their books home every night-no need for lockers. They get out from 12:45 AM to 3:00 PM to eat a well prepared lunch at their home-the one they walk to and from. It's not all hard work and no play either because they have lots of recreation and run and jump like any other kids in the world. Some of the finest physicians originate in this country and provide health care throughout the globe. Many of the number one sports personnel on today's circuits are from Spain. I don't have to list names like Nadal, or Alonso because everyone knows where they stand at the tennis court, or the formula 1 race track. I hope your children are getting a good education also because that is the end result we all desire to achieve. Some schools are better than others, some more comfortable, some with more financial backing, and the best transportation and eating facilities available to the board of education, however, all of those things are really just brighter color on the painting when it boils down to the job interview after college-the brightest light always shines the strongest when it has been charged with the most potential.
Education is imperative to the survival of our world-no matter where you live-so take an interest in your child's education. Don't let their teachers pass out the multiple choice TAKE YOUR BEST GUESS TEST. Get involved in the PTA and let yourself be heard. Demand that the children be tested in a way to increase their potential, to challenge their minds instead of pushing them through the system so they can work at a minimum paying job without a future. My children may never get a super job either, but it won't be from me not trying-they do some type of homework 365 days a year. They either read a different language, study games developed by JumpStart programs on the computer, or do their required school work scheduled for that day, but they are so accustomed to the system, that they treat learning like the thing it is-just another part of everyday life............