Monday, July 31, 2006


Let me think just a minute here. Wasn't that guy Hitler the one we studied about in European history that committed genocide against people called JEWS? I believe-correct me if I'm wrong-his soldiers eliminated JEWS by gassing thousands of them in concentration camps. Are they just now getting pissed about that? Are they confusing Germans with Palestinians? Are we talking eye for an eye or what? It sure as hell doesn't look like DO UNTO OTHERS kind of stuff. READ MY BOOK PEOPLE!!! It explains where all this crap ends up and why......
I promised myself I wouldn't fall into the radical corner by watching the news since our fiestas ended yesterday, (my head still hurts from the music, heat, and mostly the good wine), but there is nothing good on the news at all. The whole world is going flipping mad. Read the epilogue of War and Peace, it kind of sums up the funnel effect our world is being tugged into-like a black hole in outer space but worse. No matter who is elected into power, now there's a great term, (INTO POWER), they will take up where DUBYA leaves off and sink us deeper in debt, closer to the inevitable, and ruin the most powerful country in the world. Can you imagine that? The greatest country ever formed by people with great intentions coming to the highest power ever known to mankind, ending up totally collapsed by incompetent people making major decisions for whatever personal gain they might attain. A country only being independent for a little over 225 years, then failing the test of time and bowing it's head in shame for not listening to it's people and doing the right things to better manage itself. I hate to see a country so proud with such a great track record fall from the pedestal, but people, unless something is done to prevent future leaders from having such total control over our lives, then the good ole USA-our country-is going to end up in the toilet, and outside influence will have their hand on the lever that will flush it straight down the drain.
You ask yourself, "Okay Mr. SmartyPants, what do you suggest we do?"
Considering the current situation America is in, I personally believe that anyone could do a better job-no matter what their party is. Even I could run the country better than what the current office is doing and I know very little about political science, however, if senior graduates with 4.0 averages coming out of college were appointed to positions by a quality controlled team of scholars, on a random basis-I don't mean taking every high and mighty richy rich from the Ivy league-and placing them in all public offices from the senate and house of representatives down as many tiers as necessary for publicly elected personnel, then our country could start fresh with new ideas, improved methods of procedures, and no outside influences would have a part in the decision making processes. All would have to be native born Americans with clean records and a committee would be created to investigate any government department to eliminate possible outside criminal influence from taking place. All government expenditures would be made public record accessible through the internet by anyone filing taxes in the USA-we the people have a right to know how our money gets spent-and if enough taxpayers disagreed with how it was being spent, we could bitch about it formally and have it eliminated or a legitimate justification provided-just like the IRS makes us do, SHOW ME THE RECEIPT. The bottom line is this people: There are many ways to get dirt out of the house, but someone has to pick up the broom and push it or it will never be removed!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


What has happened to our manners? You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones like do unto others, thank you, your welcome, etc. Remember when it was second nature to correct someone when they forgot those manners? Remember when you wouldn't think twice to help someone who was being picked on at the playground-to stand up for them? What happened to those manners we used to have? It seems as if-AND CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG-our country appears to have forgotten their manners as well. Many whole countries have forgotten their basic manners! How come we allow our fellow man-people with eyes, noses, and throats-to be so openly supressed by bullies and not help them from being picked on? Quite clearly someone throwing rockets and missiles at a group of people which only have rocks for defense seems somewhat lop-sided doesn't it? Why are we as Americans so willing to bow our heads-as if in prayer-and give a great big huge smacker right dead on the ass of Isreal? What did the Jewish community do for America that was so great we have to give them BILLIONS of US Dollars every year? What happened to our manners? Where are they? Will we get them back or simply go on kissing behinds?

Monday, July 17, 2006


Running next to bulls, running in and out of little caves packed with barrels of beer and wine, eating way too much and sweating like a worker in an enclosed building during the summer in the south, I'm quickly becoming burned out on fiestas. A person can only enjoy so much before the common everyday activities of waking, dressing, and turning oneself wide-open until crashing at night become droll. I have a break this week from fiestas, however, my kids will still have to be taken to the pool, their summer activities school, then tennis lessons will complete their vacation. Next week DAROCA, SPAIN-the little town where we currently reside-will begin it's medieval festival where we all dress up in clothing used during the period known as the dark age, or the dark ageS, or the middle age/s, or medieval, mediaeval, mideaevil, and the time frame was between the "ANCIENT TIMES" and "MODERN TIMES" .
Many theories have been presented by historians attempting to determine the exact periods these time-frames fell into and after many hypothesis of varying natures, it seems to have originated somewhere around the 5th century and ended around the 15th century when the renaissance period began-depending which historian provides the information-influenced by various historical events occurring during different time frames providing factors for basing dates associated with said origins and endings.
Basically nobody knows exactly when the period began or ended, historians simply base their information on what they apply as the most important events at the time which would influence a world change. Kind of like today-no body can agree on anything in Europe because everyone is after the interests of their own personal country-imagine that! Oh well, I guess that whatever time in history the midiaeval ages began and ended, we're going to try and dress up like people from those times "best guessed", and eat, drink, shop in the streets and be merry-for two whole weeks. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it, might as well be me.........

Friday, July 14, 2006


WELLLLLLL, whadayaknow??!! FRANCE GOT THEIR BUTTS WHIPPED! Not really-I just don't like the team that much and am glad that someone else won. I have to give it to them though-they really know how to wrap up the game with a BANG!How about their leader, Captain "Head-Butt Zinedine"? That was probably the worst thing he could have done, but the guy he did it to more than likely deserved what he got. The player from Italy has a reputation of being a trouble maker, and on the other hand, Zidane has had an entire career known as a "Gentleman". It would appear that in order to have been driven to a state of complete aggression, he must have been provoked with words of trashy quality, personally profound, and absolutely socially unacceptable. He would have been awarded the most valuable player of the entire competition if the event had been avoided, however, because of one heated moment-his very last contribution to the football league of soccer-this great athlete was stripped of due recognition, and presented a red card to be sent off of the field of play forever. Myself, being a southern redneck, by God I salute you for not hesitating to demand respect. Why the guy said anything derogatory is beyond me anyway because hell, they had already won the game, so why rub it in his face???? I think what happened will only make a sort of martyr out of Zidane since this year's world cup will always be talked about in the future as "That year the French player head-butted that guy at the end of the playoffs".